EEHA Coaching Clinic
Online clinic offering Primary Certification along with Advanced Learning Modules tailored for coaches at all levels. Our clinic will provide you with certifications that allow you to immediately coach with our program, and other programs that recognize our certification.
Online Modules
You will gain access to a wealth of videos and learning materials that cover essential techniques and strategies, ensuring you leave with practical tools for immediate use. After the clinic, you'll have the opportunity to join an exclusive community of fellow coaches, allowing you to continue learning, sharing experiences, and building connections.
EEHA Primary Certification Course
Allows you to join as an Assistant coach in our EEHA program, and begin to learn from experience by coaching alongside our team. All coaches must pass the Primary Course to become certified.
Level 1 - Learn to Skate & Learn to Play
Must complete the primary course, and attend 4 hours of lessons as an assistant coach, with a Head Coach evaluation. Allows you to run stations in our Learn to Skate & Learn to Play programs.
Level 2 - U7 & U9
Must complete the Primary & Level 1 courses, and attend 4 weeks of practice sessions and games. Our Head Coaches will evaluate. Allows you to run stations in our U7 & U9 programs.
Level 3 - U11 & U13
Must complete the Primary, Level 1 & 2 courses, and attend 4 weeks of practice sessions and games. Our Head Coaches will evaluate. Allows you to coach in our U11 & U13 programs.
Level 4 - U15 & U18
Must complete the Primary, Level 1, 2 & 3 courses, and attend 4 weeks of practice sessions and games. Our Head Coaches will evaluate. Allows you to coach in our U15 & U18 programs.
Level 5 - Adult Elite
Must complete the Primary, Level 1, 2, 3 & 4 courses. Allows you to coach in our Adult Elite programs.